Going up the mountains from Les
Cayes to Maniche, the view from the back of the truck can be grand or
demoralizing, depending on your social location. For this visiting blan, it was wonderful to ride back there in the relative cool of
this morning, experiencing the sights, sounds, and smells of Les Cayes very
much close up, along with the motorcycles carrying parents and kids to work and
school, the occasional truck, and the many tap-taps. Moving out of town and into the countryside,
you exchange constant horns and exhaust for a more tropically bucolic scene –
but you also lose the pavement and find progressively more “rustic”
roadways. Still, the air, the vistas,
and the 360-degree scenery make bouncing on your bottom worthwhile.
At least that was my
experience. Yesterday, our interpreter
rode in the back of the truck because we picked her up last. It occurred to me I should have offered her
my seat inside, but we had taken off by the time I remembered my manners. It turns out I should have asked Pere Colbert
(who was driving) to stop the truck.
When I asked our interpreter this morning if she’d like to ride inside,
she accepted quickly and gratefully. “The
people on the side of the road yelled awful things at me yesterday,” she said.
I wanted to know more, but manners
suggested I not press her for details. I
wonder what this young Haitian business-management student endured, riding in
the back of a pickup while the four blans
rode in air-conditioned comfort. In a
culture where dignity is everything, her placement there probably evoked some
ugly images of subservience. Of course,
it was the last thing any of us (including Pere Colbert) would have
intended. So, on several levels, it was
good for me to ride in the back of the truck today – including the chance to
get this video of crossing the river to St. Augustin’s School.
As we took their pictures, we
interviewed the kids (at least those in first grade and up) about their
families, their favorite subjects, what they do for fun, and my favorite
question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” The answers to that question seem to be
growing in diversity and complexity as the years go on. In past visits, we’ve always met a lot of
future nurses, teachers, and physicians, and those are still popular
choices. But this time, we also heard from
several future agronomists and business owners, two future priests (both
female), a future linguist, and quite a few future members of the Haitian
national soccer team. These are dreams,
of course – and that’s the point. When
children can dream, that says good things about what dreams may come.
The teachers are dreaming for
St. Augustin’s School, too. We met with
the headmaster and teachers after school today.
Samuel Sauray, the headmaster, wants nothing less than his school to be
the best in the area, bar none. We asked
how the teachers explained the school’s improvement in test scores, and they
said it has much to do with St. Andrew’s commitment to provide textbooks for
kids whose parents can’t afford them. Sure,
some political correctness may have been at play, but they have a point that
students can’t complete homework without books.
Looking down the road, the teachers see a need for teaching assistants
in classrooms with 40+ children (I know I’d need an assistant), as well as
additional space to accommodate the growing enrollment. From a perspective of scarcity, we can hear
that and scoff, “It’s just a dream.” But
so was a hot-lunch program a few years ago.
And we already have the beginnings of a fund for new construction at St.
We didn’t promise anything, of
course. As the wealthy blans dropping in for a visit, we’re
always trying to be partners and not simply patrons; and it’s easy for both
sides to slip into historic roles of recipient and benefactor. Instead, we’re trying to dream, and plan, together.
So many points to ponder, so much to learn, and so much to dream for the future.