Monday, June 26, 2023

Family-History Pilgrimage: Day 16

Wednesday, June 21, 2023, 9:45 a.m.

Well, so much for leaving Exeter and heading to Salisbury. Instead, we’re still in Exeter, in the hospital. Yesterday morning, Ann experienced a urinary blockage resulting from bleeding and blood clots. The ER visit (inevitably) led to admission, bladder flushing, etc. At this point (9:45 a.m. the next day) we’re awaiting a transfusion to deal with anemia and praying for normal-enough urinary function to be able to drive to London this afternoon and get on a plane tomorrow morning.

In the category of silver linings, I’m grateful this happened in Exeter, a city with a real hospital, rather than on the long rural drive from Scotland to Wales. And if our greatest worry now is having to reschedule the flight and a hotel stay … that’s a First-World problem if ever there was one.

Nothing like hospital tourism....
The experience at Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital has been good, overall – very attentive care from the nursing staff, as well as understanding from the physicians about our desired treatment outcome being “good enough to travel.” The major difference from what we’d expect in the States relates to privacy. Patients are in wards in the old-school sense, six people in a large room with the beds separated by drapes. Of course, you can hear the other patients’ conversations with their doctors and nurses (“Did we collect some poo yesterday?”), as well as the other patients’ TV shows, phone conversations, and late-night moaning. Another difference relates to the facility itself: English buildings typically don’t have air conditioning, and hospitals are no exception. So, the windows are open to let in fresh air, allowing you to hear the pigeons and seagulls on the ledge outside. (Given that they don’t use screened windows here, the pigeons could hop right in if they wanted to.) But the quality that matters most has been excellent: The caregivers are present, attentive, and compassionate to a fault (“Do you mind if I remove the catheter now, Luv?”). Again, more than anything else, I’m grateful.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023, 4 p.m.

We’re free! Now, on to London and tomorrow’s flight.

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